verdi crossing site map location
verdi crossing rendering elevation looking west through briddge
Verdi rail crossing rendering of plan

Updated:  03.21.24


Project design is 100% complete and staff is pursing final entitlements and approvals at Planning Commission.  


Verdi Bike and Pedestrian Rail Undercrossing (CS13E).  Initial design and exploration for a Cardiff area pedestrian rail crossing began in 2015 with a broad examination of alternative rail crossing options and locations in the Montgomery/Verdi Ave. vicinity.

Over time, the project location and scope evolved significantly.  With SANDAG’s construction of the Cardiff segment of the Coastal Rail Trail, changes in project area grade and drainage led to a change in focus away from an at-grade crossing to a rail undercrossing, which required additional examination and design work, as well as additional environmental analysis, outside agency coordination and project permitting.  Over the course of the design progression, the city has executed eight amendments to the project design and scope in order to achieve the best possible solution for the community. 

In February 2020, City Council directed staff to proceed with completion of final design and permitting for a pedestrian undercrossing at Verdi Ave. and fully funded the final design phase of the project.  

The project supports the Quality Transportation vision of the City’s Strategic Plan by providing effective, safe, and easy transportation for all modes of movement and for all demographics.


The project was developed in coordination with the Cardiff community, Cardiff 101 Mainstreet Association and CA State Parks.  Additional coordination and permitting was conducted with NCTD, SANDAG, FRA and CPUC.  Community workshops and wayside horn demonstrations were conducted in 2017 and 2018 during early variations of design.  Project alternatives were presented and explored as part of the Coastal Mobility & Livability Study.   Here’s a link to the April 25, 2017 CMLS workshop that explores various undercrossing concepts at Verdi Ave.:  Community Meeting


Trailheads and pathways to the rail undercrossing will be located on San Elijo Ave. at both Verdi Ave. and Liszt Ave.  

The undercrossing pathways will intersect and cross the Coastal Rail Trail (CRT) where widened landings will be used to mitigate congestion.  An additional stair-free ADA friendly pathway will connect the CRT to San Elijo Ave. at Verdi Ave.

 New pedestrian activated RRFB Crosswalks will be installed on San Elijo Ave. at Verdi Ave. and Liszt Ave., and a new pedestrian activated traffic signal is planned for installation at South Coast Highway 101, similar to the Swami’s Ped X-ing signal.

 The existing CRT path alignment and Verdi drainage feature will be maintained.  Consideration was made to layout the paths in such a way as to minimize impact to existing parking areas.

 The CRT will remain open during the majority of construction activity, however, during construction of the CRT path intersections and storm drain crossing installation, pedestrians will be temporarily diverted around the project along San Elijo Ave.

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