Santa Fe full corridor map
Santa Fe East Vicinity map
Santa Fe East photo

Updated:  05.30.24


The final construction documents are complete.  Permitting was completed in Spring 2022. 
City Council approved the final design and authorization to advertise for construction bids in May 2024.  Construction is expected to begin in summer 2024 and be complete in winter/spring 2025.


The project will focus on connection to schools and will improve mobility for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicular traffic, while also improving safety and connectivity. Improvements include the construction of new bike ways (separated where possible), and new sidewalks. The project will also construct new curb, gutter, AC berm and driveways. Drainage improvements will improve runoff capture and conveyance, and new bioretention cells will be constructed to improve water quality.


Public Community Meetings for the Santa Fe Corridor project were held on Oct. 20, 2021 and March 25, 2021.  Materials from both public meetings can be found on the city's Engineering Public Notice Page.



  • Improved mobility and safety throughout the entire corridor, including access to schools, through new bikeways and sidewalks and intersection improvements

  • Added storm water management measures through new landscaping and trees.

  • Green Street features will be implemented in the project, including permeable surfaces where possible, street trees where width is adequate to accommodate them, and bio-swales in several locations for natural filtration of stormwater runoff

  • Separated bikeways where possible, buffered bike lanes in other locations.

  • Bike sensitive traffic signal loops located in protected bikeways and in separated bike lanes near intersections. 

  • Educational outreach and active transportation encouragement activities for SDUHSD students to help increase student use of the new bike/walk infrastructure.

Past Actions