Image of La Costa Avenue existing conditions
La Costa Ave. Ped Path Project Area Map

Updated:  06.25.24


In August 2023 staff prepared an updated conceptual cost estimate and an exhibit to begin the design and permitting for this project.  30% Design was complete in November 2023.   A Neighborhood Citizen Participation Program (CPP) Public Meeting was held on February 26, 2024. The 90% design completion is expected in August 2024 and staff will begin finalizing the planning application for discretionary and environmental permitting.  Staff has submitted a grant application to help fund the project.   


This project will improve mobility and safety along the south side of La Costa Avenue from Vulcan Avenue to the I-5 south bound on-ramp through the construction of a decomposed granite pedestrian path and the creation of bicycle buffer lane.

The La Costa Avenue Pedestrian Path project will include an approximate 0.5 mile 4-foot-wide decomposed granite pedestrian path and twelve new ADA compliant curb ramps.

This project aligns with the City’s Strategic Plan Focus Area of Mobility & Alternate Modes, meaning we strive to be a nationwide leader in mode shifting by providing data driven solutions to create a safe transportation network along with programs that educate and empower people to reach destinations by active transportation and micro-mobility.

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