El Camino Real Pedestrian Z-crossing vicinity Map
El Camino Real Z Crossing Before
Drawing image of El Camino Real Z Crossing Design
El Camino Real Z-Crossing image of underground ramp work in Sept. 2023
ZCross_completed 2
ZCross_completed 1

Updated:  05.16.24


The Z-Crossing is officially open to pedestrians!  The project was accepted as complete by City Council on May 8, 2024.  Construction of the project began in mid-September 2023 and was substantially completed in March 2024. 


A new Z-Crossing approximately 250 feet south of Via Molena consists of a pedestrian staggered mid-block crosswalk with a pedestrian beacon to connect pedestrians and bicyclists to the east and west sides of the El Camino Real corridor.   The pedestrian signal connects existing NCTD bus stops, and the commercial centers located on both sides of the street.  

The signal will remain green on El Camino Real unless a pedestrian activates the push button to cross.  When activated, the pedestrian signal will stop El Camino Real traffic to allow pedestrians to cross the street.   During peak periods and when delay to El Camino Real can cause excessive congestion, there is an option to stop pedestrians in the refuge area and have them cross in two separate phases.    

The Z Crossing signal is connected to the Via Molena traffic signal to assure the most efficient operation and will allow the side streets to be served with the pedestrian phases during their walk time. This will minimize the impact of the Z Crossing on the throughput capacity of El Camino Real.  The pedestrian signal will also be synchronized and timed with the adjacent signals along El Camino Real.  


In 2017 a survey and an analysis were conducted to identify locations for improved pedestrian crossings.  During a June 2017 community walk audit, this El Camino Real location south of Via Molena, was identified as a location where the City could provide improvements for pedestrians and cyclists.   

In December 2018, the City was awarded $517,600 from the Caltrans HSIP grant to design and construct the improvements.

A traffic impact analysis was previously conducted and presented to the Mobility and Traffic Safety Commission (MTSC) in 2018. Staff finalized the design in 2021 and the design was recommended to the City Council by MTSC in June 2022.   


The installation of the pedestrian crossing will improve the City’s transportation network while promoting active and alternative modes of transportation. 

  •  Single synchronization to maintain efficient traffic flow and accommodation for pedestrians.
  • Refuge in median to allow crossing in phases during peak traffic times  
  • RRFB provides Increased visibility of crossing pedestrians
  • Encourages Active Transportation and provides a safe crossing where none previously existed.  
Past Actions