Grandview beach wooden sign
image of beach access stairs at Grandview

Updated:  03.21.24


Construction documents for the Refurbishments project are being prepared. Permitting will begin in Spring 2025. Construction is anticipated to begin Fall / Winter 2025.


The Grandview Beach Access, situated at the northern terminus of Neptune Avenue, is a multi-level timber and concrete stairway which was rebuilt in the fall of 1992. The stairway consists of three main segments that connect via stairs to the lower section at the beach. A structural inspection of the Grandview Beach Access stairway was performed in April 2018 and examined the steel connection and timber materials, as well as the concrete stairway and support structures. The Beach Staircase Access Refurbishment Project at Grandview will refurbish and replace components that were identified in the structural inspection. Construction work will be scheduled in advance to minimize impacts to beach access.

This project supports the city’s Strategic Plan Vision for Evolving & Preserving Community Character by maintaining beach access and the character of a welcoming unique beach city that result in a high-quality life.


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